It’s the little things that add up to big things!


Paula B, Massachusetts

     “I never knew that just doing the simple things

      in life, like simply watching the sun go down 

      with someone I care about could make me so


Aspire Magazine – Linda Joy

Imagine…Inspiration delivered to Your Inbox Six Times a Year!

 Free… as part of our global “Mission to Inspire 100,000 Women” campaign.

Profit Quest – Jeanna Gabellini


Are you tired of doing everything you know to increase your business income and still not reaping the rewards?

It’s time to draw a line in the sand and say, “This is it. I want more and I’m willing to make the necessary changes that will attract more money to me so I can truly enjoy life without worrying about my bills or future security!

ProfitQuest is your 10-week E-ticket ride to double your income (and have waaaay more fun doing it!).

This process works in any industry, at any stage of your business growth. Let me help you simplify your business and make more money!

Get the details here.

This is an easy to follow recipe to boost your revenue, creativity and fun. And it’s guaranteed.

ReScript Your Life – Amy Beth O’Brien


Re-Script Your Life – A Proven Method for Becoming More Self-Confident and Attracting more Love, Happiness, and Success in just 10 weeks!

Love Your Private Parts – Lynnet McKenzie


Increase your Sexual Energy, Vitality, and Magnetism! With the energy built from the first two classes, you’ll get your engines going and release your rocket of desire. Learn how to use your sexual energy to draw your desires TO YOU!!!

Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book – Lisa Tener


QUICK START TO KICK-START YOUR BOOK – Turn Your Passion into Profit

Don’t know where to start? Feeling overwhelmed? “Quick Start” is the perfect starting point for new authors who need to clarify exactly what you’re writing, who you’re writing for and how to structure your book—use “Quick Start” before you ever write a word.



Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks – Lisa Tener


INSPIRATION TO AUTHOR IN 8 WEEKS: The Complete Roadmap to Take your Marvelous Idea from Mind to Manuscript

Lisa’s signature Bring Your Book to Life program in a convenient self-study format. Lisa walks you step-by-step to write the book that brings your vision to life.

My Brooklyn Hamlet – Brenda Adelman

minishakeA Bold New Experience in Forgiveness

Her mother was shot. Her father jailed. Then he married her aunt. This is Brenda’s true tale of forgiving the unforgivable.

My Brooklyn Hamlet is Brenda’s acclaimed one-woman show about family, murder, love, betrayal and the awesome power of forgiveness. In 1995 Adelman’s mother was shot and killed by her father and within months he married her aunt. This is a story about love and hate, passion and numbness and how to find joy after you’ve lost everything.

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll surrenda ta Brenda the red hot contenda.

Your Kick-Ass Life – Andrea Owen

Your Kick Ass Life - Andrea Owen

21 Tips and Tools for a Kick-Ass Life: No bullshi*t included

Visit Andrea’s home page to sign up for both e-book and audio versions,

plus a monthly newsletter and Monday ass kicking quotes

Happy for No Reason – Marci Shimoff

Happy for No Reason

Click to Order