Create Your Own Miracle

entitled-to-miraclesThe Course in Miracles defines a Miracle as a ‘shift in perception’.  I recently experienced a miracle in my life as I was doing some healing work on myself.  My intention for the past year and continuing through 2014 is to manifest a state of ideal health.  I had a serious wake-up call last year with the tumor I developed in my spinal cord.  I could have ended up paraplegic.

I knew surgery was the best option but I also had to deal with the thought of, “what if the doctor slipped during surgery and I ended up paralyzed anyhow?”  It was pretty intense.  Fortunately, surgery went off without a hitch.   (I have always attracted excellent surgeons.)  It’s a long road to recovery, but there have been many miracles along the way.

The Course in Miracles also says, “All thought creates form on some level.”  I realized that I created the tumor because for years I bought into feeling unloved by my mother due to neglect I experienced in childhood.  I thought I had forgiven my mother, but apparently I hadn’t.  Sometimes we think we forgive, when in reality all we do is stuff our feelings and our bodies cannot help but manifest that energy somewhere, and often it manifests some form of illness.

I experienced debilitating symptoms with respect to the tumor when driving to see my family for Thanksgiving 2012. (Although I didn’t know at that time what was wrong with me.)  For seven days after returning home, I proceeded to implement the Forgiveness Diet with a specific focus on forgiving my mom, and it worked!  By Christmas that same year, just a few short weeks later, my mom gave me everything I had been hoping for as a kid.  Most of which was her time. [Read more…]

Anatomy of a Success Story

My friend and client, Amanda, whom I spoke of last month, manifested her man about two years ago and they married this past June.  They have an amazing blended family similar to the Brady Bunch, but a bit smaller (check out their photo below).  Amanda shared with me at breakfast last month the things she felt most worked for her to help her Manifest her Man and I’ll be sharing them with you now.

article photoAmanda had an extremely emotional break up prior to meeting Jack.  One where her greatest fears of abandonment played themselves out as if she were experiencing a real life nightmare.  Despite the pain, devastation, sadness, and feelings of betrayal, she said she was grateful that Mike* left, because she never would have left him, and that would not have been for her highest good. 

It’s incredible when someone can heal, forgive, and then feel gratitude to such a degree that is 180 degree turn around of how she felt just a short time before.  I am so proud of Amanda for having the courage to face her demons head on.  I know it wasn’t easy for her.  This is an area where I find many of my clients get tripped up – they aren’t willing to do the work on themselves it takes in order to become better versions of themselves so they can attract a better relationship.

Amanda, and all my other clients who have found their true love, are proof that the process works and there is no getting around looking at your issues in order to move past the bad relationships you continue to attract.  So here’s a list of the things Amanda did for herself that Summer that set the wheels in motion to bring Jack into her life.  She: [Read more…]

Aspire Magazine – Linda Joy

Imagine…Inspiration delivered to Your Inbox Six Times a Year!

 Free… as part of our global “Mission to Inspire 100,000 Women” campaign.

EFT for Weight Loss Book – by Gary Craig

EFT for Weight Loss Book
by Gary Craig

You Can Heal Your Life – by Louise Hay

You Can Heal Your Life
by Louise Hay

You Can Create An Exceptional Life – by Louise Hay, Cheryl Richardson

You Can Create An Exceptional Life
by Louise Hay, Cheryl Richardson

January Affirmations

Amanda C. TestimonialI just received the testimonial shown above from my girlfriend Amanda this past Christmas. We went to lunch at the local IHOP last month to catch up, and so I could get my ‘kid fix’; and I asked her,

“What do you think made the most difference for you, with the self improvement work you did, to help you attract your man?”

She thought a moment, and then commented that the daily affirmations I gave her from Louise Hay impacted her greatly, made the most difference with how she valued herself as a person, and subsequently allowed her to attract a higher quality man, who was more suited to her, than those she chose in the past. She said, “J is so patient with me and the kids (they each brought some to the relationship). He helps to center me. He’s exactly what I need.” [Read more…]

Amazing Year of Blessings – Amanda C.

This has been such an amazing year of blessings & manifesting for me.  I manifested my man, became engaged, had my 2nd daughter and turned 40  = ) Wishing you as much (more) joy and happiness to you this year.

Dear Stacy,

This has been such an amazing year of blessings & manifesting for me. I manifested my man, became engaged, had my 2nd daughter and turned 40 = )

Wishing you as much (more) joy and happiness to you this year.
