Healing your Heartaches

Clearing up emotional wounds from the past so you can attract love into your life Now!

Healing HeartOne of the most frequent things I observe when working with clients is their lack of willingness to face the pain and trauma of the one thing that trips them up most when looking for love – their childhood.   It’s understandable to a degree since we’re programmed to move toward pleasure and away from pain; however our soul came here for the experience of the contrast of our existence, and to find our way back to peace.  The choice to remain mired in the pain of our childhood wounds keeps us stuck.  When the pain of staying stuck becomes greater than the pain of pushing through and Healing your Heartaches, you will do the work and change, which will allow you to finally attract the high quality love you’ve been looking for, for so long. [Read more…]

January Affirmations

Amanda C. TestimonialI just received the testimonial shown above from my girlfriend Amanda this past Christmas. We went to lunch at the local IHOP last month to catch up, and so I could get my ‘kid fix’; and I asked her,

“What do you think made the most difference for you, with the self improvement work you did, to help you attract your man?”

She thought a moment, and then commented that the daily affirmations I gave her from Louise Hay impacted her greatly, made the most difference with how she valued herself as a person, and subsequently allowed her to attract a higher quality man, who was more suited to her, than those she chose in the past. She said, “J is so patient with me and the kids (they each brought some to the relationship). He helps to center me. He’s exactly what I need.” [Read more…]

Amazing Year of Blessings – Amanda C.

This has been such an amazing year of blessings & manifesting for me.  I manifested my man, became engaged, had my 2nd daughter and turned 40  = ) Wishing you as much (more) joy and happiness to you this year.

Dear Stacy,

This has been such an amazing year of blessings & manifesting for me. I manifested my man, became engaged, had my 2nd daughter and turned 40 = )

Wishing you as much (more) joy and happiness to you this year.
